A fragment on the worship due to God from man
5. The worship which is due from us to God Almighty as our God is incommunicable. To give that worship or any part of it to any other is to have another God contrary to the first commandment. And what that worship is may be learnt from the worship which the Iews gave him in their Temple by the law of Moses. And if the ceremonial part of the Law (from which we are now freed) be set aside; it consisted chiefly in these two things: in giving him honour & glory & praise & thanks for creating all things & for giving us our daily bread & what ever blessings we receive; & in supplicating him for what ever we want. By such worship we acknowledge his infinite goodness & power & wisdom, & that he is always every where invisibly, a property peculiar to himself. The four Animals in the Temple in this prophesy worship him morning & evening saying Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was & is & is to come; & the 24 Elders at the same time fall down before him & worship him that liveth for ever & ever & cast their crowns before the throne saying, Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory & honour & power: for thou hast created all things, & for thy pleasure they are & were created. This is his daily worship which we are directed by this prophesy to give him in our Churches represented here by his Temple. And another part of his publick worship is singing praises to him as God Almighty. For the Lamb stood on Mount Sion with the 144000 & they sung a new song with harps before the throne & the Victors standing on the sea of glass sung the song of Moses & the Lamb saying Great & marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty &c. And another part of his publick worship is praying to him as God represented in this prophesy by the Angels offering up