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Showing 1351–1375 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)


Drafts on the history of the Church (Section 7)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 15.7, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00237


John Whitfield: The Information of John Whitfield now Prisoner in Newgate 22 February 1698/9

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/121, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01374


Draft letter from John Conduitt to Bernard Fontenelle, dated 1 January 1727/8

Author: John Conduitt

Source: Keynes Ms. 129.11, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00155


Draft of MINT00314 (Mint 19/2/172)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/167, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02028


Susanna Eccleston: The Information of Sussana Eccleston of Lockwood Yard in Saffron Hill in St Anns parish 10 October 1699

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/292, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01522


Submits his design for a medal [to commemorate the proclamation of Queen Anne's Bounty, a series of measures to relieve impoverished clergy]. Suggests that in future he be given authority to approve medal designs himself, to save the Treasury time

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/288, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00754


Copy of letter to the Chester Mint ordering William Greenall to attend Mr Whitley's money to London

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 10/2/75v, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01246


Copy of note to the agents for tin in Cornwall referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 27/21.165, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01049


"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon Mr Ball's proposal"

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/131.37, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00960


Copy of note concerning the weight of 100 pounds of money according to the indenture of the Mint

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 27/20.348, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01040


Holograph list of entries in MINT00430 (Mint 19/3/51-2) to be deleted or queried

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/5/53, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00431


Memorandum by Newton: 'A Memoriall concerning the Trial of the monies in ye Pix by a Iury before the King or Lords of ye Council and Officers of the Mint'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/1/307-8, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00165


Sermon 5: Acts XVII. v. 27

Author: Richard Bentley

Source: The Folly and Unreasonableness of Atheism Demonstrated from The Advantage and Pleasure of a Religious Life, The Faculties of Human Souls, The Structure of Animate Bodies, & The Origin and Frame of the World: In Eight Sermons Preached at the Lecture Founded by The Honourable Robert Boyle, Esquire; In the First Year MDCXCII. (London: 1693).

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00248


Letter from Arthur Storer to Humphrey Babington, dated 19 September 1678

Author: Arthur Storer

Source: MS Add. 3978/3, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00339


James Mace: The Information of James Mace 20 March 1700/1

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/400, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01559


John Conyers: Untitled, 27 July 1699

Author: R Harley

Source: MINT 15/17/237, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01487


Appendix 1

Author: John T. Young

Source: Faith, Medical Alchemy and Natural Philosophy: Johann Moriaen, Reformed Intelligencer, and the Hartlib Circle (Aldershot: 1998).

Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00066


Miscellaneous (al)chemical recipes in four different hands, none of which is Newton's (or Humphrey Newton's).

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: NC3/1-6, Hampshire Record Office, Winchester, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00070


Letter from Newton to John Collins, dated 17 September 1673

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MS Add. 9597/2/18/36, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00255


Part I, Chapter XI: Of the Times of the Birth and Passion of Christ

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John (London: 1733).

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00205


Copy of note requesting Sir Isaac Newton's attendance for a new indenture of the Mint

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 27/22.258, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01065


Letter covering a copy of a Council order for a pyx trial, dated 11 June 1696

Author: Treasury

Source: MINT 19/1/234, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00151


Partial draft of MINT00322 (Mint 19/2/111-16)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/65, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02013


Edinburgh Mint officers summoned by Council order to the pyx trial in London cannot be excused except by the Council itself, which Newton thinks unlikely

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/49, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00441


Chapter XII

Author: David Brewster

Source: Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, vol. 1 (Edinburgh: 1855).

Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00128

Showing 1351–1375 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)

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