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Showing 426–450 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)
Favourable report on the tender of [Moses] Beranger [Berenger] to handle tin in Amsterdam
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. July 1710, c. 212 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/544, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00711
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Royal warrant prescribing design of milled coin
Author: Unknown
Metadata: 5 February 1662 [=1663], c. 366 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/279, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00737
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Thomas Atkins: The Information of Thomas Atkins Smith near the White Horse in Noble Street in St Anns parish in Aldersgate 3 February 1698/9
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 3 Feb 1698/9, c. 202 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/139, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01391
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Five Drafts of 'Chap. VIII A further explication of the four Empires' (section 7.1j)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Post-1700, mainly in English, c. 17,067 words, 26 ff.
Source: Yahuda Ms. 7.1j, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00388
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Report on a proposal by one White for gluing duty marks onto paper rather than impressing it [to certify that the recently-imposed tax on paper for parchments and deeds had been paid]
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 15 May 1704, c. 211 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/447, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00294
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of royal warrant concerning salaries of the officers of the Mint
Author: Lord of Oxford & Earl Mortimer (Lord High Treasurer)
Metadata: 20 Nov 1712, c. 334 words.
Source: MINT 1/8/97, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01179
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Two holograph drafts of master's indenture repeating the terms laid out in MINT00651 (Mint 19/2/425)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. September 1717, c. 2,447 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/314-15, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00654
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Warrant of the Earl of Rochester to the warden's agents to take inventories of the possessions of people arrested for false coining and deliver these to the warden
Author: Laurence Hyde (1st Earl of Rochester)
Metadata: 1 December 1686, c. 356 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/426-7, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00833
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Robert Saker: Untitled, 23 March 1698/9
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 23 Mar 1698/9, c. 102 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/164, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01415
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of note concerning the petition of Mr Yates of the Bristol Mint
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 Aug 1698, c. 132 words.
Source: MINT 1/6/62r, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01109
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mary Hancock/Bakewell: The Information of Mary Hancock alias Bakewell of Blackman Street in Newington parish in Southwark 6 April 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 16 Apr 1699, c. 262 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/201, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01452
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of note concerning the petition of William Bond and the letter of George Smythe
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1 Sep 1703, c. 188 words.
Source: MINT 1/7/43, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01125
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mr. Leibniz's Third Paper
Author: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Metadata: 1717, c. 1,768 words.
Source: A Collection of Papers, Which passed between the late Learned Mr. Leibniz, and Dr. Clarke, In the Years 1715 and 1716, Samuel Clarke (ed.) (London: 1717).
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00230
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Covering letter forwarding the following tenders
Author: Treasury
Metadata: [20] July 1717, c. 114 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/366, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00636
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Treatise on Revelation
Author: Unknown
Metadata: 1680-1683, in English, c. 4,578 words, 6 pp. on 3 ff.
Source: Yahuda Ms. 23, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00066
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Author: Tom Telescope
Metadata: 1761, c. 136 words.
Source: The Newtonian System of Philosophy Adapted to the Capacities of young Gentlemen and Ladies, and familiarized and made entertaining by Objects with which they are intimately acquainted (London: 1761).
Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00123
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Elizabeth Handcock: The information of Elizabeth the wife of John Handcock 20 February 1700/1
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 Feb 1700/1, c. 368 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/402, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01561
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Enarratio plenior scholii praecedentis
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1700-1712, in Latin with some English, c. 8,276 words, 19 ff.
Source: MS Add. 3968, ff. 38r-56v, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00350
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Bill for machinery for Edinburgh
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 27 August 1707, c. 48 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/211, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00379
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Dialogue III
Author: Francesco Algarotti
Metadata: 1739, c. 14,523 words.
Source: Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Explain'd For the Use of the Ladies, vol. 1 (London: 1739).
Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00108
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter to the Earl of Godolphin (Lord High Treasurer) regarding the Chester Mint
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: July 1702, c. 567 words.
Source: Ms. 361(2), f. 21r, New College Library, Oxford, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01686
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Book I: Chapter 33
Author: John Milton
Metadata: c. 1661 - c. 1665, c. 7,897 words.
Source: A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Compiled from the Holy Scriptures Alone, vol. 2 (Boston: 1825).
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00333
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Affidavit of Thomas Clenton supporting the claim that the Warden has no right to oversee the Master's melting
Author: Thomas Clenton
Metadata: 27 August 1575, c. 592 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/41, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01703
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Book I: Chapter 21
Author: John Milton
Metadata: c. 1661 - c. 1665, c. 3,134 words.
Source: A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Compiled from the Holy Scriptures Alone, vol. 2 (Boston: 1825).
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00321
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
William Hagley: The Examination of William Hagley 30 March 1705
Author: Robert Harley
Metadata: 30 March 1705, c. 81 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/510, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01671
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 426–450 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)