
{And} in conformity to\pursuance of/ the Act of Parliament 16{illeg} for defraying the expence of a free coinage \made in ye year     / there shall |be| one|two| piles of like standard weig English weights kept \the one/ in her majts Exchequer at Edin{illeg}|b|urg{illeg}|h|, & the other & the other pile of the like English wts {illeg} kept {illeg}|b|y the Dean of the Gild of Edenburgh

And in pursuance of the Act of Parliamt of 1686 for defraying the the expence of a free coinage, there shall be two piles of like Standard English weights kept \the one/ in the Exhequer of North Britain & the other by the Dean of Gild of Edinburgh; & likewise a standard or printed Roll Table shall be kept in the Mint-house of the value of money or bullion according to the denominations of weights used in the Mint of carats grains primes & seconds & the ordinary denominations of Pounds Ounces penny weights & grains by wch Merchants or others may know what they were to give in or get {out} when their bullion doth arise above or fall {illeg}|b|elow the standard appointed.

Pile of weights sent down from ye mint here |for ye City & Exchequer.|

mem: care to be taken yt ye Piles of weights to be placed in ye hands of yt Exche & De of Dean of Guild of Edinburgh as is directed ye ye {sic} Scots act of 1686.

Care to be taken of table to be kept in ye mint as is directed by ye Scots act for ye information of ye {melts}

Q: {illeg}: care is taken for a speedy coinage {ye} {Sc:} {illeg} {f: 108:}

Mem: To be considered how much money may be applied to ye Mint in Scotland & after what manner.

Mem That the Clerk of the Bullion {illeg} do ye service of Counter warden during weigher & Teller \& surveyer of ye Melting/ under the Comptroller during life & then      pr an to be added to ye Counterwardens place.

that for the more exact sizing of the moneys the counterpoizes of ye several & respective gold & silver\coins herein mentioned {illeg}/ be made lighter then their just weight according to such a proportion as shall be agreed on by the General Master Warden & Counter warden not exceeding half the remedy that is to say not exceeding 2{4}th \the 12th part of a c{illeg}|ar|at/ in the pound weight of gold & one penny weight in the pound weight of silver: to the end that the single pieces may of the new moneys may no{illeg}|t| vary above half the remedy in weight from their just standard. For which reason her Majesty ordeins that no piece of pei{illeg}|c|es {sic} of the said species be made

dated the 14th day of Iune 1686 are

And in regard the duty arising \in Scotland/ by the 24th Act {of} of ye 2d Session of parliamt in the first of his said late Maty King Iames the seventh made in Scotland dated ye {illeg}|4|th Iune 1686 foor the maintenance of the said Mint at Edinbught {sic} are is expired, & in lieu thereof the duty arising by the Coinage \aforesaid/ A{illeg}|c|ts of Parliament made in England are by the before the Act of union are by the aforesaid Act of Parliamt. made in the seventh year of her \present/ Maty extended into Scotland\north Britain/ for the maintenance\defraying the charges/ of the said mint at Eding|b|urg & the Salaries & charg{illeg}es of repairs of buildings & other incident charges {out} {illeg} |of| the said mint, {illeg} wch may not exceed the summ of 1200 in any one year may in case of a deficiency of the said c|C|oinage duty arising in Scotland be paid out of any part of the moneys coinage duty of great Britain Wherefore {illeg} {illeg} soveraign Lady


{illeg} the L\{p}resent Maty in pursuance of ye {sd} Act of union extended into north Britain for defraying the charges of the {said Mint}/ may be applied towards the paying of such summ as shall be nece{ssary} & reasonable towards not exceeding in the whole the sum of 1200li for fees & salaries of ye Officers of the |sd| Mint {illeg}|at| Mint in Scotland\Edinburgh/ & towards providing maintaining & repairing the houses offices & buildings & other necessaries for assaying melting down & coining in the |sd| Mints of Scotland: wherefore our said Soveraign Lady the Queen doth by these presents ordein & appoin{t} that the said Master & Worker {illeg}|s|hall receive out of her Majts Excheqr from time to time all such moneys as \in pursuance of the said Act of union/ are appointed to be paid unto him by the said Act of Parliamt made in the seventh year of her reign \in purs in pursuance of the Ac{t}/ {in}|or| {p}|s|hall be appointed by any following Act in pursuance of the of Parliament for defraying the charges or expences of the said Mint at Edinburgh

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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