Assorted draft memoranda relating to the Edinburgh mint
And in pursuance of the Act of Parliament of 1686 for defraying the expence of a free coinage, there shall be two piles of like Standard English weights kept the one in the Exchequer of North Britain & the other by the Dean of Gild of Edinburgh; & likewise a standard or printed Table shall be kept in the Mint-house of the value of money or bullion according to the denominations of weights used in the Mint of carats grains primes & seconds & the ordinary denominations of Pounds Ounces penny weights & grains by which Merchants or others may know what they were to give in or get {out} when their bullion doth arise above or fall below the standard appointed.
Pile of weights sent down from the mint here for the City & Exchequer.
memorandum: care to be taken that the Piles of weight to be placed in the hands of that Exchequer & of Dean of Guild of Edinburgh as is directed the Scots act of 1686.
Care to be taken of table to be kept in the mint as is directed by the Scots act for the information of the {melts}
Quære: {illeg}: care is taken for a speedy coinage {the} {Sc:} {illeg} {f: 108:}
Memorandum: To be considered how much money may be applied to the Mint in Scotland & after what manner.
Memorandum That the Clerk of the Bullion do the service of weigher & Teller & surveyer of the Melting under the Comptroller during life & then per annum to be added to the Counterwardens place.
be made lighter then their just weight according to such a proportion as shall be agreed on by the General Master Warden & Counter warden not exceeding half the remedy that is to say not exceeding the 12th part of a carat in the pound weight of gold & one penny weight in the pound weight of silver: of the said species be made
And in regard the duty arising in Scotland by the 24th Act of the 2d Session of parliament in the first of his said late Majesty King James the seventh dated the 4th Iune 1686 foor the maintenance of the said Mint at Edinburgh is expired, & in lieu thereof the duty arising by the aforesaid Acts of Parliament made in England before the Act of union are by the aforesaid Act of Parliament made in the seventh year of her present Majesty extended into north Britain for defraying the charges of the said mint at Edinburg & ‡
<216v>‡ {p}resent Majesty in pursuance of the {said} Act of union extended into north Britain for defraying the charges of the {said Mint} may be applied towards the paying of such summ as shall be nece{ssary} & reasonable not exceeding in the whole the sum of 1200li for fees & salaries of the Officers of the said Mint at Edinburgh & towards providing maintaining & repairing the houses offices & buildings & other necessaries for assaying melting down & coining in the said Mint: wherefore our said Soveraign Lady the Queen doth by these presents ordein & appoin{t} that the said Master & Worker shall receive out of her Majestys Exchequer from time to time all such moneys as in pursuance of the said Act of union are appointed to be paid unto him by the said Act of Parliament made in the seventh year of her reign or shall be appointed by any following Act of Parliament for defraying the charges or expences of the Mint at Edinburgh