Draft of a report on Brandshagen's and the Hamiltons' expense claims, specifying which of the expenses Newton considers justified
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordships
In obedience to your Lordships Order of Iune 17th instant, upon the Petition of Dr Iustus Brandshagen, directing me to state the accounts of the Doctor & those of Thomas Hamilton & James Hamilton in relation to Sir John Ereskins Mine: I humbly represent that by the Warrant of his Royal Highness the Doctor was allowed 60li & James Hamilton 30li to enable the Dr to provide some things & both of them to go down into Scotland to examin the said Mine; & after their arrival at Edinburgh the Doctor was to be allowed 20s per day & James Hamilton 10s per day by the same Warrant during their stay in Scotland upon the said work, or so long as your Lordships should see cause to pay the said allowances. And that Thomas Hamilton was afterwards by a Warrant of the Lord Commissioners of the Treasury allowed also 30li & had a verbal promise, as I am informed, to have the same allowance with his brother of 10s per day. And that the two Hamiltons arrived at Edinburgh Sept 14 & the Doctor Octob. 13th last, & the Doctor & Tho Hamilton left Edinburgh Feb 19th following to return into England, but James Hamilton went to Allowa to watch the Mine & see that no O{r}e be dug & carried away.
By the said Warrant therefore the Doctor is to receive 129li for 129 days, besides 44li. 13s. 6d paid by him to the two Hamiltons, & besides the charges he hath been at in clearing the Mine of rubbish, & providing iron tools for the labourers & timber to prop & secure the Mine, amounting to {8}li. 12s. 0d; & besides his further ch{a}rge of fitting up a Laboratory with Furnaces, an Assay Table, Mortars, Sives, Charcoal, Pit-coal, Nitre, & other things necessary for making the Assays, amounting to about 10li, & his charge of seven faire copies of the Report on large paper for your Lordships & others concerned & of providing baggs & boxes for the Ore, amounting to 6li 8s. 0d. All which summs amount unto ~ 199li. 3s. 6d, whereof he hath received 150li. And so there remains due to him 49li 3s. 6d.
By the same Warrant James Hamilton is to receive 79li for 158 days, whereof he hath received of the Doctor 21li. 13s. 3d. And there remains due to him 5{7}li 9s 9d.
And if Tho. Hamilton be allowed equally with his brother (for he went down upon that supposition & was the most serviceable man of the three) there will be 79li due to him on that account whereof he hath received of the Dr 23li. 3s. 3d. And so there will remain due to him 55li. 16s. 9d.
The total due to all three is 162li. 10s. 00d, besides what your Lordships shall think fit to allow to James Hamilton for his attendance at the Mine ever since Feb. 19th to see that no Ore be dug & caried away, untill he be disch{1}rged.
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great wisdom.