Copy of letter concerning bill and warrants relating to several public seals
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordships
In obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference of the 26th. of Iuly last past upon the Bill hereunto Annexed of the Administratrix of Mr. John Ross deceased late Engraver of his Majesties seal, We humbly report to your Lordships that We have considered and Examined the same, and do find by the perusal of the several Warrants she has produced to us, that his Majesty had directed the making of the several seals in the said Bill mentioned before the death of her husband and by seaveral Certificates and Receipts it appears that they were delivered to the respective Offices, or Officers of state they were ordered for, and as they have been Weighed in the Mint, that they are of the Weight expressed in /r:the said bill.
We further humbly certifie your Lordships that we have examined the prices of the said seales, Which we find to be the same with those allowed to the said Mr. Ross in his life time for the like seals engraved in her late Majesties Reign, and with those paid to his Predecessors; And as it appears to us upon Examining the Impressions of the said seales, and upon comparing them with the former remaining with us, That the work now performed by Mr. Rooses administratrix is good, We are humbly of opinion he may deserve the prices sett down in the Bill amounting to one thousand two hundred twenty six pounds give shillings and seven pence.
All which is most humbly submitted to Your Lordships
great Wisdom
Mint Office the 19th. February.