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Showing 926–950 of 2090 | Sorted by: Relevance | Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)


Copy of letter to the Chester Mint requesting account of hammered monies received and of monies paid out

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 10/2/37v, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01224


John Hooke: The Examination of and Deposition of John Hooke a Constable 18 February 1699

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/250, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01500


Holograph 'Notes out of [Jean] Boizard's Traite des Monoyes' ['Treatise on Coin' (1692, second edition 1714), both editions of which Newton owned: see H237-8] on French Mint practice (the notes are in English)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/138, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00344


John Stanhop: The Information of John Stanhop 31 July 1702

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/432, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01593


Mary Hone: The Information of Mary Hone of the parish of St Andrew Holborn Spinster 10 January 1699

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/247, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01497


Request for advice on various aspects of Mint practice

Author: Patrick Scott

Source: MINT 19/3/170-71, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00395


Reply to MINT00419 (Mint 19/3/177) and MINT00420 (Mint 19/3/35)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/44, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00421


Requests order to coin Coronation medals and offers suggestions about the quality of metals to be used

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/319, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00743


Account of the arrival of Dr Brandshagen in Scotland

Author: William Drummond

Source: T 1/201.1, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00995


Petition for a pay increase

Author: Eight clerks

Source: MINT 19/2/498, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00029


Comparison of the Protestant and Catholic Churches

Author: Unknown

Source: M132/2/7, Stanford University Library, Stanford, California, USA

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00107


Ebenezer Hilliard: The Deposition of Ebenezer Hilliard 18 January 1702/3

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/446, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01607


George Scarlet: The Information of George Scarlet now a prisoner in the Marshalsea in Southwark

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/257a, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01507


Draft of MINT00641 (Mint 19/2/443)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/326, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00642


'The State of the Mint'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/1/8-9, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00016


Drafts on the history of the Church (Section 7)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 15.7, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00237


John Whitfield: The Information of John Whitfield now Prisoner in Newgate 22 February 1698/9

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/121, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01374


Draft of MINT00314 (Mint 19/2/172)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/167, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02028


Susanna Eccleston: The Information of Sussana Eccleston of Lockwood Yard in Saffron Hill in St Anns parish 10 October 1699

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/292, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01522


Submits his design for a medal [to commemorate the proclamation of Queen Anne's Bounty, a series of measures to relieve impoverished clergy]. Suggests that in future he be given authority to approve medal designs himself, to save the Treasury time

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/288, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00754


Copy of letter to the Chester Mint ordering William Greenall to attend Mr Whitley's money to London

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 10/2/75v, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01246


Copy of note to the agents for tin in Cornwall referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 27/21.165, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01049


"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon Mr Ball's proposal"

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/131.37, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00960


Copy of note concerning the weight of 100 pounds of money according to the indenture of the Mint

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 27/20.348, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01040


Holograph list of entries in MINT00430 (Mint 19/3/51-2) to be deleted or queried

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/5/53, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00431

Showing 926–950 of 2090 | Sorted by: Relevance | Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)

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