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Showing 76–100 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)


Letter from David Gregory to Isaac Newton, dated 28 December 1707

Author: David Gregory

Source: MS/247, p. 25, Royal Society Library, London, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01777


Holograph draft memorandum dating the smith's house back to 1553, i.e. before the creation of the Ordnance Office

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/427-8, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00830


Katherine Coffee: The Information of Katherine Coffee wife of Patrick Coffee Goldsmith late of Aldermanbury by Woodstreet 18 February 1698/9

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/124, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01377


Treasury referral of Lauderdale's memorial concerning Mint funds

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: T 1/235.179v, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01010


Notes on the proportion of coins of various reigns found in a sample of £101

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/91, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01937


Some Remarks on a Report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins

Author: William Lowndes (Secretary to the Treasury)

Source: Thomas Neale, Some Remarks on a Report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins (London: 1695).

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01865


Calculations of the weight and value of the new louis d'or and louis d'argent which are to be made current in Ireland

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/223, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00507


Further holograph draft of MINT00125 (Mint 19/3/321-2) with variant distribution figures

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/325, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00127


'Monyrs Proposall Humbly Offered to the Officers of Her Majts Mint for Coyning Copper'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/396, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00607


Holograph notes and calculations concerning the tin trade, and on proposed medal designs

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/5/44, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00735


Petition to succeed his late brother Daniel as assay master, having been his assistant for fifteen years

Author: Charles Brattell

Source: MINT 19/1/96-7, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00080


Holograph calculations of Irish coinage values

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/469, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00520


Holograph copy of a Latin writ served on Newton by James Hamilton for £52.10s.0d. in outstanding fees for work at Alva

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/240-41, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00797


Henry Dixon: The Examination of Henry Dixon 21 January 1698

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/267, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01548


Unfinished holograph draft of a covering letter forwarding MINT00404 (Mint 19/3/121), suggesting that the money needed should be found from coinage duty and from Stewart's executors

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/142, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00406


John Parker: The Deposition of John Parker 24 November 1703

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/455, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01616


Copy of inventory of tools used by the Mint in Scotland

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 1/8/137-9, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01211


Table of the current and intrinsic values of French and Dutch coins

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/163, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00203


Extract from a letter from Leibniz complaining of an attack on his "bonne foi"

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MS Add. 3968, ff. 368r-368v, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00368


Katherine Matthews: The Information of Katherine Matthews of Earles Court in Cranburne Ally in the parish of St Ann Westminster 23 October 1698

Author: James Vernon (Under-Secretary of State)

Source: MINT 15/17/77, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01330


Notes on prophecies (Section 3)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 8.3, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00240


Extract from Thomas Fuller's 'History of the University of Cambridge'

Author: Thomas Fuller

Source: Keynes Ms. 120, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00023


Copy of an anonymous account of gold mines formerly exploited on Crawford Moor in Scotland, with a brief covering letter in the same clerical hand, signed by Cromartie

Author: George Mackenzie (Earl of Cromartie)

Source: MINT 19/3/227-8, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00775


A similar composition to Keynes Ms. 40, covering the first six 'operations' (but the fourth is missing). In Latin apart from some citations from George Ripley in English verse in the last two sections.

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 41, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00030


No 2 - An Account of what Gold and Silver either in Foreign Coin or Bullion have been exported from all the Ports of England except London from Christmas 1722 to Christmas 1727… together with an Account of what has been since Enter'd for Exportation from all the Ports of England and to what Places to the 15th March 1727

Author: Unknown

Source: T 64/276B/392-2, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01727

Showing 76–100 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)

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