Isaac Newton’s Works

Showing 1601–1625 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)


Report of the Officers of the Mint to the petition of Daniel Crichlow

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/60.35b, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00931


John Conyers: The Information of John Conyers late of the parish of St Mary White Chapell Jeweller 19 May 1699

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/208, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01458


Ann Raymond: The Information of Ann Raymond 23 June 1702

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/427, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01587


Edward Gare: Untitled, 10 June 1702

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/464, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01625


Draft of MINT00137 (Mint 19/1/330)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/126, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01913


Copy of letter concerning the bill of Richard Barrow for the prosecution of clippers and coiners

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 1/8/121, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01204


Letter from John Stacy to Newton asking for his support in becoming Keeper of New Prison.

Author: John Stacy

Source: MS Add. 4005.15, f. 82v, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01747


Holograph draft of MINT00677 (Mint 19/3/476)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/508, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01883


Account of the moneys from fishing a wreck near the Isle of Mayo

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/235.66, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01012


James Mace: The Examination of James Mace 21 January 1700/1

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/308, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01557


'General Scholium' from the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1729)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, vol. 2 (London: 1729).

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00056


Letter concerning Vigo silver in the Mint

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/84.89, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00943


Exposition of 2 Kings 17:15-16

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Ms. 130, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00110


Draft of MINT00152 (Mint 19/3/2-3)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/112-13, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00153


Letter from Newton to John Collins, dated 9 April 1673

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MS Add. 9597/2/18/33-34, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00253


Clerical copy of MINT00597 (Mint 19/2/426) with an annotation by Newton

Author: Unknown, Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/397, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00598


Preliminary holograph notes for MINT00302 (Mint 19/2/193-4)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/192, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00303


Further draft of MINT00798 (Mint 19/3/245)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/262, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01974


Receipt for payments totalling £49.5s.6d. made by Newton to various Mint employees between 15 January 1717 [= 1718] and 14 January 1724 [= 1725] in respect of copper coinage

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/342, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00145


A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of the several Nations

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: John Greaves, Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Greaves, Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford, vol. 2 (London: 1737), pp. 405-433.

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00276


Letter to Oldenburg on the lengths and angles of prism images, dated 18 August 1676

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: EL/N1/53, Royal Society Library, London, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00323


Letter from Newton to Henry Oldenburg, dated 10 February 1671/2

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MS Add. 9597/2/18/15, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00238


Holograph draft paragraph for MINT00281 (Mint 19/2/78-9), followed by the deleted draft of a Latin paragraph [for Book Two of the second (1713) edition of the Principia]

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/99, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00284


Mr Newton's Answer to the precedent Letter

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: ‘Mr Newton's Answer to the precedent Letter’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, No. 128 (25 September 1676), pp. 698-705.

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00026


Further holograph draft of MINT00503 (Mint 19/2/242-3)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/234-5, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00504

Showing 1601–1625 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)

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