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Showing 1201–1225 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)
Unpublished Appendix to 'methodus': Problem IX
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1671, in Latin, c. 2,908 words, 12 pp.
Source: MS Add. 3960.4, pp. 33-48, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00295
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Remarks on Leibniz's first letter to the Abbe Conti
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1710-1720, in English and Latin with a little French, c. 5,448 words, 8 ff.
Source: MS Add. 3968, ff. 412r-419r, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00372
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Considerations about the coinage of copper moneys'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1713?, c. 746 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/354, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00604
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Certificate by Holles Newcastle that the Bahamas seal has been sent to George Pheney, Governor of the Bahamas
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 May 1724, c. 61 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/467, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00773
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'The late Laws about ye Coinage'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: After 13 April 1696, c. 1,757 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/502-3, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00260
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Excerpt of copy of minutes of meeting at Treasury Chambers about bad money
Author: Treasury
Metadata: 27 Mar 1712, c. 298 words.
Source: T 29/20.45, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01079
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph draft of a warrant authorising Croker and Bull to take charge of all engraving tools and machines
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Late 1704, c. 245 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/154, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00072
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Method of Curves and Infinite Series, and application to the Geometry of Curves (Part 3)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1665-70, in Latin, c. 7,949 words, 53 pp.
Source: MS Add. 3960.14, pp. 101-132, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00298
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Joanna Thornton: The Information of Joanna Thornton 19 November 1701
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 19 Nov 1701, c. 427 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/418, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01578
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mr. Newtons Answer to the foregoing Letter [of Christiaan Huygens]
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 21 July 1673, in English, c. 1,738 words, 6pp.
Source: ‘Mr. Newtons Answer to the foregoing Letter [of Christiaan Huygens]’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, No. 96 (21 July 1673), pp. 6087-6092.
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00017
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft letter or memo (1669?).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, c. 200 words, 1 p.
Source: Ms. 433, The Babson College Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton, The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00096
[Catalogue Entry]
John Ignatius Lawson: Informations undated, of 13 February 1698 & of 13 January 1698/9; and Letters to Isaac Newton dated 9 February 1698, 13 February 1698, 29 January 1698/9 & 3 April 1699
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 9 & 13 Feb 1698; 13, 27 Jan & 3 Apr 1699, c. 4,443 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/199, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01450
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
The articles ordered for the Edinburgh Mint have been embarked, all except the weights and seals, as authorisation to mark the weights has not yet been given: request for such authorisation
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 26 May 1707, c. 236 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/97, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00359
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
The Tryal and Condemnation of the Trustees of the Land-Bank at Exeter Exchange, for Murdering the Bank of England at Grocers-Hall
Author: Thomas Neale
Metadata: 1696, c. 6,851 words.
Source: The Tryal and Condemnation of the Trustees of the Land-Bank at Exeter Exchange, for Murdering the Bank of England at Grocers-Hall (London: 1696).
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01867
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Original letter from Isaac Newton to Richard Bentley, dated 10 December 1692
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 10 December 1692, in English, c. 1,626 words.
Source: 189.R.4.47, ff. 4A-5, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00254
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter from John Wallis to Newton, dated 30 April 1695
Author: John Wallis
Metadata: 30 April 1695, in English, c. 636 words, 1 f.
Source: MS Add. 3977.15, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00191
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Part 2 of a passage on Church history
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1710s-1720s, in English with some Latin and Greek, c. 1,279 words, 2 ff.
Source: SL255.3, Location Unknown
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00353
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
The Information of William Boston Constable 20 February 1701
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 Feb 1700/1, c. 105 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/404, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01563
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Lectiones Opticae
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. January 1669, in Latin with some English and Greek, c. 39,224 words, 129 ff.
Source: MS Add. 4002, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00306
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter from Mint to Treasury, dated c. End of 1701
Author: Mint
Metadata: c. End of 1701.
Source: Mint 1/7/35, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01821
[Catalogue Entry]
Copy letter from Newton to John Smith, dated 24 July 1675
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 24 July 1675, c. 437 words, 1 f.
Source: MS Add. 9597/2/18/43, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00261
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of letter concerning the exemption of employees of the Mint from other civil duties
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 25 July 1705, c. 557 words.
Source: MINT 1/7/50-1, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01130
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Henry Smithson: The Information of Henry Smithson 8 October 1702
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 8 Oct 1702, c. 202 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/469, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01630
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Inventory of Tools for the Mint in Scotland"
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 12 Apr 1707, c. 858 words.
Source: T 1/101.91, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00950
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Chapter VII
Author: David Brewster
Metadata: 1855, c. 7,119 words.
Source: Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, vol. 1 (Edinburgh: 1855).
Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00102
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 1201–1225 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)