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Showing 601–625 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)


At the Tryall of the Pix the 31. Iuly. 1707

Author: Peter Le Neve

Source: E 36/101/29-31, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01717


Drafts on the history of the Church (Section 4)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Yahuda Ms. 15.4, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00221


The Sixth Dialogue

Author: Francesco Algarotti

Source: Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Explain'd For the Use of the Ladies, vol. 2 (London: 1739).

Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00113


Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/337, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01980


Extract from [Rice] Vaughan's Coin and Coinage [1615] on French currency changes 1417-23

Author: Unknown

Source: MINT 19/2/146, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00208


Letter concerning allowances to Mr Allardes for the coinage of silver moneys and Edinburgh, with copies of the relevant clauses in the Indenture of the Mint

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/120.44, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00957


Holograph draft of MINT00543 (Mint 19/2/508)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/535, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01888


'Directions about the Triall of the monies of Gold & Silver in the Pix'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/1/228-9, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00159


Letter reacting to Newton's death, from "Mist's Weekly Journal", No. 103

Author: Unknown

Source: Keynes Ms. 129.13, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00003


'Manna': transcript (1675?) of an anonymous alchemical treatise, in another hand with additions and notes by Newton.

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 33, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00022


Sarah Woodhouse: The Information of Sarah Woodhouse of Parkers Lane in Drury Lane in St Gyles parish the wife of William Woodhouse 11 May 1699

Author: Elizabeth Woodhouse

Source: MINT 15/17/188, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01439


Robert Tresler: The Information of Robert Tresler 27 February 1700/1

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/403, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01562


Chapter 4: Historia monotheistica

Author: Justin Champion

Source: The Pillars of Priestcraft Shaken: The Church of England and its Enemies, 1660-1730 (1992).

Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00049


'A Proposal Humbly offered to the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled'

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/402, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00668


"The value of Gold in proportion to silver in several parts of Europe"

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: T 1/80.105, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00939


Letter from Newton to Henry Oldenburg, dated 15 February 1675/6

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MS Add. 9597/2/18/51-52, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00267


Three paragraphs on religion, with drafts

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 9, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00009


Daniel Wheeler: The Confession and Examination of Daniell Wheeler soldier in Colonell Primrose's Company in the First Regiment of Foot Guards 14 February 1698/9

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/150, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01402


John Deacon: The Examination of John Deacon of Leadenhall Market Grocer 5 February 1698/9

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 15/17/142, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01394


Result of pyx trial held 7 August 1713 on the gold trial plates of 19 October 1660, 15 October 1688 and 23 June 1707, which were all found standard

Author: Unknown

Source: MINT 19/1/303, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00184


Copy of Privy Seal renewing warrants granting the personal property of coinage offenders to the Mint warden, and authorising the disposal of their real estate by the Treasury for rewards to informers

Author: Unknown

Source: MINT 19/1/428-9, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00835


Index Chemicus (part a)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: Keynes Ms. 30, King's College, Cambridge, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00200


Accounts of incidental expenditure 5 November 1688 to 30 September 1689


Source: MINT 19/1/84-5, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00105


'About' £39,281 worth of plate was received on 11, 12 and 14 May combined, besides some £6,000 worth yet to be assessed

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/2/517, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00549


Preparatory notes and calculations concerning Dutch trade and English customs on it for MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)

Author: Isaac Newton

Source: MINT 19/3/572, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02083

Showing 601–625 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)

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