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Showing 726–750 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)
Notes on Dutch coinage
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1702 or after, c. 547 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/165, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01938
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Incomplete copy, in (probably) the author's hand, of a six-chapter version of William Yworth's 'Processus Mysterii Magni Philosophicus' (1702).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, 91 pp.
Source: Mellon Ms. 80, Mellon Alchemical Mss, Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00135
[Catalogue Entry]
Draft of MINT00744 (IMint 19/2/289)
Author: Isaac Newton, Unknown
Metadata: c. April 1702., c. 2,634 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/291-6, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00745
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph notes on Mint output and expenses
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1696-1727, c. 76 words.
Source: MINT 19/5/49, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00891
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Proposals for setting a new standard of Plate'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1711 or earlier, c. 863 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/566-7, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00299
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mint presentment concerning the provision of instruments and officers for the five Country Mints
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 8 Jun 1696, c. 247 words.
Source: T 1/38.39, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00923
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph notes on possible subjects and mottoes for George I's Coronation medal
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: August or September 1714, c. 90 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/314, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02069
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft of legislation to recompense the Mint for the fact that the money coined from premium plate came to less than the amount spent on the plate: the shortfall is calculated at various figures from £1,813.0s.8d. to £5,168.6s.4d
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Mid-1711, c. 148 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/551, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01961
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Partial holograph draft of MINT00024 (Mint 19/1/197)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Before 22 February 1696 [= 1697], c. 103 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/565, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00025
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Bill to Newton from Charles Holt, brazier
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 22 March 1711/12, c. 66 words.
Source: MINT 19/5/41, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00124
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
List of Abbreviations
Author: John T. Young
Metadata: 2006, c. 249 words.
Source: Faith, Medical Alchemy and Natural Philosophy: Johann Moriaen, Reformed Intelligencer, and the Hartlib Circle (Aldershot: 1998).
Newton Catalogue ID: OTHE00057
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter to John Scrope recommending Mr Croker as Ingraver
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: August 1726, c. 127 words.
Source: Ms. 361(2), f. 10v, New College Library, Oxford, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01685
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Richard Morris (with Robert Saker): or The Examination and Deposition of Richard Morris of the parish of St Martins in the Fields 3 November 1698
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 3 Nov 1698, c. 105 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/62, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01315
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Ex Irenæi adversus hæreses lib. I
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1670s, in Latin, c. 3,626 words, 4 ff.
Source: Yahuda Ms. 13.1, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00371
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph list of editorial additions and emendations to be made to the Coinage Act
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1715, c. 815 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/215, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00464
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Letter from John Wallis to Newton, dated 10 April 1695
Author: John Wallis
Metadata: 10 April 1695, in English, c. 438 words, 1 p. on 2 ff.
Source: MS Add. 3977.14, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00190
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Act of parliament about the Mint'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 22 July 1690, with notes by Newton from after 13 April 1696., c. 190 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/14, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00350
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Recommends Hopton Haynes for the post of weigher and teller, giving an account of his previous employment at the Mint (as a clerk) and elsewhere
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 5 September 1701, c. 706 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/121, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00044
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of letter condemning the quarrelling at the Chester Mint and promising to resolve the issue
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. Aug 1697?, c. 218 words.
Source: MINT 10/2/53v, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01231
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Report on gold from the West Indies brought to the Mint by the South Sea Company
Author: Hopton Haynes
Metadata: 6 September 1726, c. 384 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/108, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00584
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph notes on the weight of individual copper coins
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: ca. 1713, c. 51 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/329, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00193
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Much longer draft from which MINT00113 (Mint 19/1/214) appears to have been distilled
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Early April 1699, c. 493 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/209, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00114
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Experiments and Observations about the value of forreign coyns' [in fact entirely about French ones]: notes on denominations, French Mint practice, and rate of wear of coin
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1702 or after, c. 1,032 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/134, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00210
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Two incomplete treatises on the vegetative growth of metals and minerals
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1670-75, in English and Latin, c. 4,500 words, 12 pp.
Source: NMAHRB Ms. 1031 B, Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00081
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Draft contract between master and melter, setting out the melter's duties, responsibilities, salary and commission
Author: Unknown
Metadata: ca. 1696-99, c. 235 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/196, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00101
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 726–750 of 3026 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)