John Chapman: The Examination of John Chapman 20 February 1701/2
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 Feb 1700/1, c. 74 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/405, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01564
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Ex Marci Maximi Cæsaraugustani in Hispanijs Episcopi Chronico'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 500 words, 2 pp.
Source: R.16.38. 438A, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: THEM00102
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'De motu corporum in gyrum'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Late 1684, in Latin, c. 3,938 words, 9pp.
Source: MS Add. 3965.7, ff. 55-62*, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: NATP00089
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Extract from [previous master] Thomas Neale's indenture
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 2 April 1689, c. 967 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/422-3, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00010
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Basil Turton: The Information of Bazill Turton of Wells Street near Wells Close by Goodmans Fields Taylor 8 February 1698/9
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 8 Feb 1698/9, c. 319 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/144, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01396
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Response to John Pery's [Perry's] application to coin copper
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: After 12 February 1713, c. 762 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/306, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00605
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Further holograph draft of MINT00823 (Mint 19/3/407), also dated 20 July 1715
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 July 1715, c. 297 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/424, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00824
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mary Adams: The Information of Mary Adams the wife of James Adams of Kings Street in Bloomsbury Doctor of Physick 7 July 1698
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 7 July 1698, c. 962 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/42, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01295
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'An Account of what his Maty may loose by renewing for seven years the contract wth Cornwall & Devonshire now voyd by her Majts death'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: After 1 August 1714, c. 342 words.
Source: MINT 19/5/32, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00733
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Copy of draft of request for permission to repair building in the Mint
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 11 May 1700, c. 151 words.
Source: MINT 1/7/6, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01114
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Draft of MINT00633 (Mint 19/2/356)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: May 1717, c. 992 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/362, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02042
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
William Orrin: The Examination of William Orrin a soldier in the First Regiment of Foot Guards 17 March 1698/9
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 17 Mar 1698/9, c. 192 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/162, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01413
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Holograph notes on possible subjects and mottoes for George I's Coronation medal
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: August or September 1714, c. 1,263 words.
Source: MINT 19/5/31, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02073
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Henry Horsfaile: The further Information of Henry Horsfaile 26 August 1703
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 26 Aug 1703, c. 306 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/473, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01634
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Royal warrant to George Allardes [Allardyce, Allardice, master of the Edinburgh Mint] to coin crowns, half-crowns, shillings and sixpences in the proportion 20: 30: 40: 10, as in England, using London tools, and inscribing the letter E on each coin
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 June 1707, c. 313 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/42-3, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00365
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Mary Hobbs: The Voluntary Examination and Deposition on Oath of Mary Hobbs, late of the Town of Bridgewater in the County of Somerset and now residing at East Cowes in the parish of Whippingham in the Isle of Wight and County of Southampton 2 July 1698
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 2 Jul 1698, c. 395 words.
Source: MINT 15/17/38, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT01291
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Notes for MINT00159 (Mint 19/1/228-9)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: July 1701?, c. 1,030 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/252, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00162
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Defence of the present coinage and of the tender accepted against the printed complaint of the disappointed tenderers and three letters of Richard Jones. Newton has accepted not the cheapest tender but the most reliable one
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. July 1718, c. 1,215 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/452, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00659
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Offers £4,000 security against renewal of his mastership: £2,000 himself and £1,000 each from Thomas Hall [master's assistant] and John Francis Fauquier [deputy master]
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 20 August 1702, c. 68 words.
Source: MINT 19/1/65, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00052
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
"Mint report about sending tin to the Straights"
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: c. 1705/6?, c. 122 words.
Source: T 1/111.33, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00955
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
'Memoriall for [and apparently by] William Drummond present Warden of Her Majesties Mint att Edinburgh'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: Late 1709 or early 1710, c. 1,417 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/116-18, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00436
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Another holograph draft of MINT00229 (Mint 19/2/8), on the reverse of part of a printed pamphlet advocating the confiscation of Roman Catholic property
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: ca. 1702, c. 781 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/9, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00230
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Preparatory notes and calculations concerning Dutch trade and English customs on it for MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: After 18 August 1705, c. 860 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/515-16, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT02078
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Rough holograph notes in Latin on calculating latitudes and longitudes, preceded by a list in English of the requisite mathematical, geographical and astronomical tables
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1714 or after (?), c. 137 words.
Source: MINT 19/3/167, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: MINT00898
[Diplomatic text][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 551–575 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)