Isaac Newton’s Works
Showing 776–800 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)
Holograph draft of a warrant authorising Croker and Bull to take charge of all engraving tools and machines
Joanna Thornton: The Information of Joanna Thornton 19 November 1701
Mr. Newtons Answer to the foregoing Letter [of Christiaan Huygens]
John Ignatius Lawson: Informations undated, of 13 February 1698 & of 13 January 1698/9; and Letters to Isaac Newton dated 9 February 1698, 13 February 1698, 29 January 1698/9 & 3 April 1699
The articles ordered for the Edinburgh Mint have been embarked, all except the weights and seals, as authorisation to mark the weights has not yet been given: request for such authorisation
Original letter from Isaac Newton to Richard Bentley, dated 10 December 1692
The Information of William Boston Constable 20 February 1701
Lectiones Opticae
Copy letter from Newton to John Smith, dated 24 July 1675
Copy of letter concerning the exemption of employees of the Mint from other civil duties
Henry Smithson: The Information of Henry Smithson 8 October 1702
"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Inventory of Tools for the Mint in Scotland"
Copy of an extract from Newton to John Collins, dated 10 December 1672
Original royal indenture confirming Newton's mastership and setting out his duties
Miscellaneous drafts and fragments on prophecy
Four draft chapters on prophecy (section 7.1a)
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'An Interpretation of Daniel's Beasts' (section 7.1b)
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'An Interpretation of the Prophesy of Daniel's weeks by Iewish years' (section 7.1c)
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Four draft chapters on prophecy (section 7.1d)
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Three draft chapters on prophecy (section 7.1e)
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Three Drafts of 'Chap. 4 Of the Prophesy of the seventy weeks' (section 7.1f)
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'Chap. 5 Of the Empire of the Greeks' (section 7.1g)
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Four Fragmentary Drafts of 'Chap. VI Of the Empire of the Latins' (section 7.1h)
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Seven Drafts of 'Sect V Of the kingdoms represented in Daniel by the Ram & He-Goat & of the last horn of the Goat' (section 7.1i)
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Five Drafts of 'Chap. VIII A further explication of the four Empires' (section 7.1j)
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Five Drafts of 'Of the Prophesy of the Scripture of truth' (section 7.1k)
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Three Drafts of 'Chap. VIII Of the four great Empires, & the temporal Dominion represented by the last horn of the fourth Beast' (section 7.1l)
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'Sect. IV. Of the ten Horns of the fourth Beast.' (section 7.1m)
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Thirteen Drafts of 'Of the King who doth according to his will, & honours Mahuzzim, & regardeth not the God of his fathers nor the desire of weomen' (section 7.1n)
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Draft table of contents and miscellaneous fragments of text (section 7.1o)
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Untitled Drafts on Prophecy (section 7.2a)
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Notes on the editing of the rest of the manuscript (section 7.2b)
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'Sect II: The second Temple with its Candlesticks representing the two Witnesses' (section 7.2c)
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'Sect. III: Of the first & second Temples and their Candlesticks.' (section 7.2d)
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'Sect. II. Of the Woman & two-horned Beast' (section 7.2e)
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Editorial notes in various hands
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'Considerations on The Prophesy of Daniel concerning the Messiah' (section 7.2g)
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Rough drafts of some of the chapters of the work on the Prophecies (section 7.2h)
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'The Conclusion' (section 7.2i)
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Assorted materials concerning the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John along with calculations relating to the Mint (section 7.2i)
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Sect II: The two Witnesses (section 7.3a)
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Sect IV: Of the power of the eleventh horn of Daniels fourth Beast to change times & laws (section 7.3b)
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Sect. IV: A further account of the division of the Roman Empire into two Empires with their Churches false & true (section 7.3c)
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Sect. IV: A further account of the division of the Roman Empire (section 7.3d)
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Fragments on superstition and monasticism (section 7.3e)
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Fragment on Church history (section 7.3f)
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Fragments on the rise of the papacy and Revelation
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Fragment on the Epistles to the Seven Churches (section 7.3h)
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Fragments on history and prophecy.
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Fragment on the Revelation of Daniel (section 7.3j)
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'Sect. VI. Of the last horn of the He-Goat' (section 7.3k)
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Fragment on Daniel and Revelation (section 7.3l)
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Fragment on Athanasius and the corruption of the true Church (section 7.3m)
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Fragment on Daniel on the back of a draft account of Pyx Trial procedure (section 7.3n)
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Miscellaneous historical and apocalyptic jottings on various scraps of paper (section 7.3o)
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Various miscellaneous apocalyptic, historical and mint-related jottings on largely unpaginated scraps of paper or draft/re-used letters (section 7.3p)
[Diplomatic text] [Catalogue Entry]
Holograph draft of four additions to be made to MINT00442 (Mint 19/3/81-93)
Holograph draft of a royal warrant authorising payment of the balance
Holograph fragment of MINT00526 (Mint 19/5/55)
Holograph draft of MINT00131 (Mint 19/1/334-5) with minor variations
Further holograph draft of MINT00761 (Mint 19/3/332)
Letter concerning funds in the Mint and payment of a sum to Ann Morris for her husband's services
List of wardens, masters, comptrollers and other officers 1603-1692
Proposal for £35 p.a. for Francis Beresford to be taken on as apprentice engraver for six years to supply the place of [Gabriel] le Clerk, whose post has been vacant for some years
John Snow: The Information of John Snow Distiller 27 March 1699
Showing 776–800 of 1911 | Sorted by: Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)